Impact and Results
Building a strong agricultural sector is a cornerstone of PHI's poverty alleviationprogram. The agricultural policies and practices manifested over the past fifty years have led to severe land degradation worldwide due to inputs of harmful chemicals, intensive agriculture, and un-regenerative nutrient extraction. As a result, rural communities have witnessed increased social inequity, abandonment of family farms in favor of urbanization, and overall reduction of food and nutrition security.
PHI is engaged in agro-ecological approaches to capacity building and knowledge sharing with local farmer cooperatives and extensionists. Our comprehensive five-year strategic plan for food sovereignty in sub-Saharan Africa involves connecting various actors and stakeholders in the industry on a single dynamic platform including academia, financial investors, market aggregators, non-governmental organizations, corporations, public policy influencers, local government agencies, and farmer cooperatives in full consideration of their unique character, needs, and operational structures in pursuit of win-win alliances. The network provides support systems forhealthy business partnerships, financing, appropriate technologies and infrastructure in support of crop storage, value-add, transformation, last-mile connections, and marketplace needs.
Click below to learn more about how our hubs have been making an impact in their communities.