Impact for Nabahay Food Institute
Nabahya Food Institute (NFI) uses an inclusive approach in the implementation of its activities. The team, led by Guillain Nabahya, is composed of dedicated and skilled individuals who are deeply committed to the mission. NFIs team has shown exceptional ability in project management, consistently completing projects on time and within budget. NFI regularly monitors the project activities on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis to verify the proper implementation to meet the project objectives. Informative reports are regularly provided in accordance with NFI or donor’s guidelines. Monitoring includes continuous assessment of project progress towards achievement of the specific objectives and a quick response to community’s feedback so that the team can constantly improve. NFI compares progress of activities and outputs within the project plan. For this to be effective, NFI uses Project Management tools: - Quality control tools, - Activities Monitoring tools, - Activities reports and timelines tools. For each activity, NFI assesses the context and justification of the activity, objectives of the activity, expected results, presentation of the area, methodology of the activity, presentation of the team to carry the activity, chronogram of the activity, logistical and financial needs, Activities carried out, Results achieved and interpretation of results, Means of verification.
Under the supervision of the MEL officer, information is collected through existing tools designed by NFI using individual interviews (household surveys), focus group interviews, interviews with key informants within the community, collecting success stories, testimonials and community feedback. Key Performance Indicators are monitored using the Indicator Performance Monitoring Tool (IPMT) which is populated as an indicator is achieved. The NFI team carries out field visits for data verification to confirm the data collected on site are accurate and reports on the project implementation issues. At the end of each activity, a beneficiary satisfaction survey is conducted. The data collection and quality control tools are individual and collective survey questionnaires which is analyzed and processed using an Excel matrix to measure the results achieved, the changes and the impact on the beneficiaries. Success is defined through the changes and results obtained during and after the project and verified by the improvement of knowledge, attitudes and good practices put in place by the beneficiaries of the project in the short, medium and long term as well as the improvement of their living conditions.
72,000 end-users
reached by NFI's
More than 937 tCo2e
12,000 hectares
improved because of
NFI’s innovation.
54,000 end-users
improve their income
by using NFI
About 4,687,000 kWh
of energy saved.
10 Farmer Field
Schools installed to
teach NFI’s
460 tons of
briquettes produced
and distributed.
50 community
conducted on the
use of briquettes.
More than 170
hectares restored by
planting native trees.